1. About the IQAC
The IQAC has become an integral part of our College system and works towards
realisation of the goals of quality enhancement. The prime task of IQAC is
to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in
the overall performance of the College. In the post- NAAC phase, the College
need to channelize its efforts towards promoting the holistic academic
excellence including the peer committee recommendations. Hence, the prime
task of IQAC is to develop a system for conscious and consistent improvement
in the overall performance of the College. Its success depends upon the
sense of belongingness and participation in all the constituents of the
College. It is not yet another record-keeping exercise in the College. In
fact, it is a facilitative and participative system/unit/organ of the
The IQAC has been continuously making efforts to assure structural reforms in order to improve the overall performance of the College.
(a) Our Motto
In order to get self-motivation for quality improvement, the IQAC has
adopted its motto which is: “COMMITMENT FOR ASSURING QUALITATIVE
This motto of IQAC is blended with the vision, mission and goal (VMG).
(b) IQAC Award for Students
IQAC intends to recognize the academic performance of the students who have
been continuously improving their scientific temper in the most efficient
manner. Keeping in view the same, it has introduced “IQAC Award for Student”
to a student who genuinely improves his academic performance throughout the
course. This award is presented on the occasion of Annual Day Function.