
(A) The college is well known for maintaining discipline which has been especially appreciated by parents of girl students. The Proctorial Board/Joint Consultative Committee mainly functions to promote a healthy atmosphere and calm environment in the college. Students should note that the following aspects of conduct will be regarded as breach of discipline or interference in the normal functioning of the college and shall be liable for appropriate action:

  • Negligence towards assigned tasks and class work;
  • Causing disturbance to a class or listening loud music or shouting outside the class room and loitering in the college premises;
  • Defiance to teachers or any of college authorities or any disorderly behaviour;
  • Misconduct in the classroom, causing damage to furniture or equipment or any other college property;
  • Inciting others to create trouble, teasing, using language of insubordination;
  • Smoking in the college premises;
  • Practicing ragging in any form whatsoever;
  • Forming a Society without permission of the Principal and collecting money from the fellow students;
  • Use of mobile phone inside the teaching blocks/class rooms/Principal’s office and listening to the music aloud; and for recording taking photos in College premises without permission.
  • Any other act included in the list by the Discipline Committee/Proctorial Board/Principal from time to time.
  • Physical assault, or threat to use physical force against any student, teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Attempt at bribing or corruption in any manner;
  • 49Willful destruction of college property;
  • Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal ground;
  • Causing disruption in any manner of the academic functioning of the College;
  • Students are advised not to misuse social media.

If a student violates any of the rules and breaks the discipline, action may involve warning and/ or fine and/or suspension from classes or library or even debarring from the examination or as prescribed in the University ordinancesor as decided by the Proctorial Board/Principal/University in the light of Ordinance XV (B) and Prevention,Prohibition and Redressal Act 2013 of the rules of the University of Delhi.

With regard to issues of indiscipline, ragging and sexual harassment, the college shall follow the University ordinances in letter and spirit. A brief summary of these ordinances is given hereunder:

In addition, the College will ensure Maintenance of Discipline among Students as required under (Ordinance XV-B).

  • Principal of the college shall have the authority to exercise all such disciplinary powers over students in the college as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the Institution. He may exercise his authority through, or delegate authority to, some of the teachers in the college as he may specify for these purposes.
  • At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on admission s/he submits himself/herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the authority of the college.

NB: Causing harassment in the name of Holi will attract disciplinary action under University Ordinance XV-B, Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act 2013and XV-E

(B) Ragging: Prohibited by Hon’ble Supreme Court

The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India vide D. No. 370/04/XI-A dated 26/02/09 has held that “Ragging in any form is a human rights abuse”. Among the various forms that ragging may assume, the following may be chiefly noted:

  1. Ragging comprises activities like introduction, teasing, terror, harassment, cruelty, fear and physical and mental torture or display of noisy, disorderly conduct or playing of practical jokes on junior students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing.
  1. It also means indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activity which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear for a fresher or junior student.
  1. Ragging also includes asking a junior student to do any act or perform something which such student

will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or junior student.

As per directions of the Hon’ble Court any student found guilty of ragging shall be immediately expelled from the college. Besides this, the police shall be informed and the proceedings of the criminal law set into motion against the offender in addition of heavy penalty as per directions received from competent authority from time to time including Ministry of HRD, the UGC and University of Delhi.

Ragging: Prohibited and Punishable Under Ordinance XV-C

The college through its Anti-Ragging Committee strictly follows the above mentioned ordinance both in letter and spirit. Any student facing any kind of ragging in any form should contact any member of Anti-Ragging Committeeor the Principal’s office immediately or may also contact as under:

• DIAL 100 or Inform nearest PCR van.

• CALL at 1091

• Write to Complaint: Post Box No. 5353, New Delhi – 110021.

(C) Prohibition of and Punishment for Sexual Harassment (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013)

The college strictly follows this Ordinance of University of Delhi in letter and spirit. It seeks to maintain and create an academic and work environment free of sexual harassment for students, academic and non-teaching staff of the Delhi University. The ordinance will also apply to outsiders and residents, on the Delhi University campus, to the extent specified herein these rule and procedures. An Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) is to look after any such complaint.