About the Department

Welcome to the Department of Economics. The word 'Economics' is derived from the greek word 'oikonomia' which loosely translates to management of a household, providing just a peek into what the subject covers. Economics plays a vital role in understanding and addressing the challenges of our rapidly changing world. By studying economics, students gain valuable insights into how markets, governments, and individuals make decisions, shaping both global and local economies. With this objective in mind, our department  is dedicated to providing a comprehensive learning experience, enhanced through regular seminars, orientation programs, fests, and other educational activities. Central to this endeavour is 'Arthshala', our student body, which serves as a dynamic platform for students to collaborate with faculty and take on leadership roles in organizing co-curricular events. Arthshala not only fosters a spirit of teamwork but also provides students with the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the department’s activities, shaping the educational experience for themselves and their peers.