Dear Students,
I take great pride in welcoming you to Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College. The college was established in 1991 during birth centenary year of Bharat Ratna Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. It is a co-educational constituent college of the University of Delhi fully funded by the GNCTD. You will able to pursue your dreams and build your career while you develop matured thinking and responsible conduct in the three years that you will spend here. The college offers 11 courses from arts, humanities and commerce streams, including three professional courses i.e. Bachelor in Business Economics, Hindi Patrakarita & Jansanchar, and Social Work. Apart from academics, the college provides ample opportunities in sports, cultural and other co-curricular activities like dramatics, debates, NSS, NCC, Red Ribbon and Eco clubs, to name a few. Various departmental Societies give an opportunity to you to show-case your talent in your chosen discipline. Participation in such activities will help you inculcate a sense of teamwork, matured understanding and social responsibility along with mutual respect and discipline. It will make your personality holistic.
The College has a sprawling campus of 9 acres with fully CCTV surveillance system, auditorium, playground and canteen. A well-equipped library, access to E-resources, I.T. enabled Wi-Fi, and smart classes with provision of projector greatly enhance the teaching and learning process. The College organizes conferences, seminars, workshops, field studies, village tours/camps and industrial visits to provide opportunities for firsthand experience and updates your knowledge. The college also has a placement and counseling cell which helps our students to initiate their career goals. We have well organized Alumni Club and our alumni have achieved high position in the field of media, administration, industries and education in India and abroad.
The college proposes to start a Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Centre for Skill Development, Faculty Development and Teaching Learning Centre, Campus to Community and Students exchange programmes with different Universities and Colleges of the country. I am sure, you will get many opportunities to present your creative talents and skills through our Journal and Magazine, besides achieving academic excellence.
Dear Students, an exciting phase of your college life is just about to begin and make best use of it by fully participating in the activities best suited to you. It is necessary to make a prime aim of life. Perhaps, the following lines may guide you-
नत्वहम्कामयेराज्यम्नस्वर्गम्नपुनर्भवम्। कामये दु:खतप्तानम् प्राणिनामार्तिनाशनम्।।
(न तो मुझे राज्य की कामना है और न ही स्वर्ग चाहिए, न ही पुनर्जन्म चाहिए। मुझे तो दु:ख में जलते हुए प्राणियों की पीड़ा का नाश करने की शक्ति चाहिए।)
(I do not seek kingdom nor do I want heaven, not even rebirth! I only seek to be bear the strength to assuage the pain of suffering creatures).
Looking forward to seeing you on the campus and wish you all success in your college life.
You may reach the Principal at: info@drbrambedkarcollege.ac.in or principal@bramb.du.ac.in or contact me through my Sr. P.A., Sh. Ram Kumar.
With Best Wishes,
Prof. Sada Nand Prasad (Principal, OSD)