
Our College particularly during the last few years has been continuously raising its potential levels to contribute to quality education through research and training, academic innovations, collaborations with stake holders and so on. This has assumed importance because the government sponsored higher education has come under serious pressures to change in tune with globalization induced changes backed by ICT revolution getting more entrenched in the socio-economic-political system of the country. In this context, any step made towards capacity building, additional knowledge creation, skill development of students, and improving their learning opportunities, technology adaption for teaching and learning process is welcome. I take this opportunity to congratulate the members of the Editorial Board, Advisors and the College family for adding another important chapter in the glorious history of this College, in its Silver Jubilee Year. The journey of' ACADEMIA'- an International multidisciplinary Journal is Social Science, Humanities and Languages is not an end in itself, but I hope will tum out to be the means to bring more laurels to the College, besides adding value and vibrancy to its vibrant intellectual environment. Today the academic institution have to act not merely the centres of knowledge, but has also to disseminate in a manner that widens the horizons of discussion, exchange of ideas and even promote innovations. This journal is expected to add knowledge base of disciplines that are being taught in the College and thereby take the academic discourse beyond confines of the prescribed syllabi. The Journal would also underscore the efficacy of multi-disciplinarily with the changing pedagogical view towards giving students more choices for disciplines and papers that slhe wants to study. I am happy to note that the Editorial Team is conscious of the fact that the beneficiaries of the Journal also include students, who, today need to be equipped to critically be receptive but also equal ly prepared to rise irrespective of their disciplines. I believe, this Journal will go a long way in helping students, and teachers to appreciate values commensurate with our politico-economic and socio-cultural realties. The inaugural issue carries papers from the different disciplines including Political Economy, Social Work, Linguistics, History, Finance and Business, Geography, Commerce, etc. which seems to have a strong interdisciplinary tenor. I hope, these papers would add important insights into the contemporary perspectives. I am touched with by such an overwhelming support to our endeavor and thank all the contributors, reviewers and further hope they will continue to extend their sincere support and cooperation to the future editions of 'ACADEMIA', which is extended to add many more disciplines in its fold. T may also take this opportunity to record my thanks to the College Governing Body particularly ex-Chairman Padma Shree Dr. Ravi Chaturvedi, Sh. Ganesh Seth. Sh. Arun Bhagat, Prof. Ashok Prasad and the present Chairperson Mrs. Jyotsna Sharma and their teams, and also the University Officials for their support and continued encouragement in this academic endeavour. I heartily Congratulate our College Journal Editorial Team led by Dr. Bishnu Mohan Dash, the Managing Editor for his efforts and also wish them all the best in their future endeavours. D

Prof. Sada Nand Prasad
Principal & Chief Executive Editor