Prof Sonia Aggarwal, TIC

Economics has been and continues to be an extremely popular choice of course for students pursuing the bachelor degree. Economics is the study of how economic activities are organized by societies, governments, businesses, households, and individuals by allocating their scarce resources to meet unlimited needs in the perspective of sustainable human development. Economists are well known for advising the government on economic issues, formulating policies for the central bank and at fiscal and the welfare front. It also offers a tool with which to approach questions about the desirability of a particular financial investment opportunity, the benefits and costs of alternative choices and the likely impacts of public policies. The complementary study of econometrics, the primary quantitative method used in the discipline, enables students to become critical consumers of statistically based arguments about numerous public and private issues rather than passive recipients. Such knowledge enables them to ask whether the evidence on the desirability of a particular policy, claims about the likely future path of the economy, or other issues are really compelling or whether it simply sounds good but falls apart upon closer inspection.


Economics Block



Economics Department Faculty

Faculty Name Resume
Dr. Sonia Aggarwal PDF icon CV
Dr. Harish
Dr. Narender Thakur PDF icon CV
Mr. Yogesh Murariya PDF icon CV
Dr. Trishna Sarkar PDF icon CV
Mr. Sarbeswar Padhan PDF icon CV
Ms. Aarushi Joshi PDF icon CV
Ms. Yamini PDF icon CV